Well... this is certainly a DIFFERENT way to study for a diploma or two!

Well... I'm going to start another business... I have too many!

Well Hi all... I'm such a fucktard!

I've had a few things happen to me over the past few months... Again...

Son turned 18... 
Son is now going to University - studying to be a teachers aid
Dad dies... from Cancer... a few weeks after
I also find out that my whole entire household has been thrown away by my mother. 
And now...

I'm in the UK!


Stick that to the man and anyone else who said I'm going to kark it!

I had the opportunity to go travelling when I was younger with my family. I also said "no" several times to my family when they offered me a trip (or 5) to the U.K., the U.S.A. and a few other places (but as a young love sick donkey hole - I SAID NO - douche bag that I am!) but didn't and wasn't really interested. I was just having too much fun djing and chasing tail...

But after the events of the past 4 months, I have taken off to see what the rest of the world is like....

So I now have Facebook page..

Wazza's European Adventures

So click on this link above, to see my new adventures. I will be continuing on this as well, when I have the time to do any study.

And talking of study - I am 5 months behind, and some others have finished. I really have to get off my arse! I have been sent my textbook by email, so I will do some everyday (I hope!). I just need some encouragement - so please give me some!

Plus, I have come up with another business idea whilst being out here. I can't get to sleep before 3am everynight... it's great!

Plus I'm doing another blog, about drinking and where I have drunk and the people I have been drinking with... This started in Dublin - where else?

So stay tuned for more study and more adventures!


